Access Guide
- Services / facilities within the grounds include sports playing pitches and changing rooms.
Opening Times
- Opening times for the venue vary according to bookings/events taking place.
- There is not a bus stop within 150m (164yds) of the venue.
- The nearest National Rail station is Runcorn.
- The venue does have its own car park.
Venue Car Park
- Parking is free for all users.
- The car park is located at the side of the venue.
- The car park type is open air/surface.
- There is/are 0 designated parking bay(s) within the car park.
- The route from the car park to the entrance is accessible to a wheelchair user with assistance.
- Assistance may be required because there is / are level changes with no dropped kerbs.
- The car park surface is concrete.
- The patron does not have to cross a road.
- The car park does not have a height restriction barrier.
Drop-off Point
- There is not a designated drop off point.
Outside Access (Changing Rooms)
- This information is for the entrance located at the side of the building.
- There is not level access into the venue.
- The changing rooms were locked at the time of the survey.
Level Change (Changing Rooms Entrance)
- There is a ramp/slope to access this area/service.
- The ramp or slope is located on the path leading to the entrance.
- The ramp/slope gradient is steep.
- The ramp/slope is permanent.
- There is a level landing at the top of the ramp/slope.
- The ramp does not have handrails.
- There are pathways to the right-hand side of the changing room building to give access to the rear playing fields.
Football Pitches
- There are 9 football pitches at the venue.
Toilet with Adaptations
- Accessible toilet facilities are not available.
- It was not possible to access the toilets at the time of the survey.
Standard Toilet(s)
Availability and Location of Standard Toilets
- Standard toilet facilities are not available.
- It was not possible to access the toilets at the time of the survey.