Access Guide
- Services / facilities within the grounds include a playground, outdoor gym equipment, ball court, tennis courts and the Pavilion Community Building.
- The Pavilion Community Building is open for regular pre-booked groups only who hold the keys and open for their sessions.
- It is not currently available to new hirers and has not been surveyed.
- The McLeod Road entrance to the park is now permanently closed.
- There is a bus stop within 150m (164yds) of the venue.
- The nearest National Rail station is Abbeywood.
Opening Hours
- The park is currently locked overnight and is open approximately 09:00 - dusk.
- The venue does not have its own car park.
Public Car Parks
- There is not a car park for public use within 200m (approx).
On Street Blue Badge Parking
- On street marked Blue Badge bays are not available.
On Street Standard Parking
- Clearly signed and / or standard marked parking bays are not available.
- There is unrestricted on-street parking in Rochdale Road and Viola Road, near the two entrances.
Outside Access (Rochdale Road Entrance)
- This information is for the entrance located in Rochdale Road.
- There is ramped/sloped access at this entrance.
- The main door(s) open(s) away from you (push).
- The door(s) is/are double width.
- The width of the door opening is 280cm.
- The ramp/slope is located at the entrance.
- The gradient of the ramp/slope is slight.
- The ramp/slope is permanent.
- There is a level landing at the top of the ramp/slope.
- The surface of the path is uneven in places at this entrance (photograph 2).
Outside Access (Viola Road Entrance)
- This information is for the entrance located on Viola Avenue.
- There is ramped/sloped access at this entrance.
- The main door(s) open(s) away from you (push).
- The door(s) is/are double width.
- The width of the door opening is 220cm.
- The ramp/slope is located beyond the gates.
- The gradient of the ramp/slope is slight.
- The ramp/slope is permanent.
Outside Access (McLeod Road Entrance)
- This information is for the entrance located on McLeod Road.
- There is stepped access at this entrance.
- The main door(s) open(s) away from you (push).
- The door(s) is/are double width.
- The width of the door opening is 180cm.
- The step(s) is/are located beyond the gates.
- There is/are 8 step(s).
- The step(s) is/are not clearly marked.
- The height of the step(s) is/are between 15cm and 18cm.
- The height of the step(s) is/are 18cm.
- There is not a/are not handrail(s) at the step(s).
Parks and Gardens
- The park or garden does have footpaths.
- The path(s) has a / have compact earth, tarmac and concrete surface(s).
- The majority of the path(s) is / are wide enough for wheelchair users.
- There are slight and steep slopes on the paths.
- There are bench seats situated along the paths for people to rest.
- The outdoor gym equipment is located close to the Rochdale Road entrance.
- There are benches on the level / easy sloped path around the outside of the playground.
Level Change (Central Ramp)
- There is a ramp/slope to access this area/service.
- The ramp/slope is located on the main footpath linking the two entrances.
- The ramp/slope gradient is slight.
- The ramp/slope is permanent.
- There is a level landing at the top of the ramp/slope.
- The ramp does not have handrails.
- There are further slopes on the paths leading to this ramp from both directions.
- There are easy slopes on the path around the playground.
Playground and Ball Court
- The playground and ball court are located in the centre of the park.
- The nearest entrance is from the Roachdale Road gate.
- There is an easy slope up to the playground entrance gate.
- The playground gate is heavy, single and opens towards you (pull).
- The gate is 100cm wide.
- There are other similar gates into the playground from the path around it.
- The playground is generally level.
- There are some uneven areas where the tarmac meets the resilient surface under the play equipment.
- There is level access from the playground area into the ball court.
- The ball court entrances are 100cm wide, without gates.
Tennis Courts
- The tennis courts are located towards the rear (south) side of the park.
- The courts have a tarmac surface.
- From the Rochdale Road gate there are some steep slopes up to the court entrance.
- The entrance gates are heavy, single and open away from you (push).
- Some of the gates are reached across grass.
- It is 115cm wide.
- There is a shallow step up at the gate threshold.
- There is a further entrance to the tennis courts near to the Viola Road gate.
- This entrance can only be reached by steps.
Level Change (Steps to Picnic Area and Tennis Courts)
- There is a/are step(s) to access this area/service.
- The step(s) is/are located to the left from the Viola Road entrance.
- There is/are 15+ step(s) to the area/service.
- There is not tactile paving at the top and bottom of the steps.
- The step(s) is/are not clearly marked.
- The step(s) is/are deep (18cm+).
- There is not a/are not handrail(s) at the step(s).
- The first flight of steps goes from one of the entrances to the tennis courts (photograph 1).
- After this, the second flight of steps reaches the elevated seating area to the south of the park.
- There is a similar flight of steps at the other side of the park.
Level Change (Pavilion Area)
- There is a/are step(s) to access this area/service.
- The step(s) is/are located leading from the playground level up to the pavilion level.
- There is/are 6 step(s) to the area/service.
- There is not tactile paving at the top and bottom of the steps.
- The step(s) is/are not clearly marked.
- The step(s) is/are deep (18cm+).
- There is a/are handrail(s) at the step(s).
- The handrail(s) is/are in the centre of the step(s).
- From the path around the playground, there is an alternative set of 8 unmarked steps up to the pavilion terrace.
- The steps are deep.
- The steps do not have handrails.
- These steps can be bypassed by using the central ramp or by approaching the Pavilion from the Viola Road entrance.
Toilet with Adaptations
- There are not accessible toilets within this venue designated for public use.
Standard Toilet(s)
Availability and Location of Standard Toilets
- Standard toilets are not available.
Baby Change Facilities
- Baby change facilities are not located within the venue.