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Whitworth Hall

Whitworth Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

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  • Services / facilities within the building include There is an entrance directly from the left of this hall into the adjacent Christie Building.

Location of Room(s)

Whitworth Hall - Organ Galleries

  • The Whitworth Hall is a very large hall used by the University for special occasions (such as graduation ceremonies).
  • It is located on the first floor of the Whitworth Hall Building and the layout of any tables and chairs depends on the function it is being used for.
  • There are seven clearly marked steps to the left and right of the front stage, (photographs 3 and 4).
  • These steps have hand rails on the opposing side.
  • On the landings of these steps there is a single heavy door to the opposing side leading to the stage, (photograph 5).
  • Beyond the left and right landings there are staircases leading to the left and right Organ Galleries at located above the stage,(photographs 6 and 7).
  • In the Organ Galleries there are five unmarked steps without hand rails leading to the bench seating, (photograph 8).
  • At the rear of the hall there are five clearly marked steps without hand rails leading to a platform, (photograph 9).