Access Guide
- Related link Midland Mainline Website.
- Http://
- Related link Supertram Website.
- Http://
- This route is from the footbridge at Sheffield Station, which is accessed from all platforms and the main concourse via lifts, and the Supertram platform to access the University of Sheffield.
- The route is approximately 50 metres.
- When on the platform, take the Blue Line to the University of Sheffield.
Steps to the Supertram Stop Entrance
- At the far end of the station footbridge from the main entrance and concourse, there are 14 medium high, marked steps with handrails both sides.
- The steps lead up to the entrance to the Supertram stop.
- There is tactile paving at the top and bottom of these steps.
- They can be overcome using a lift.
Lift (Lift to the Supertram Stop Entrance)
- There is a lift for public use.
- The lift is located to the left of the steps as you face them.
- The lift is a standard lift.
- Staff do not need to be notified for use of the lift.
- The clear door width is 110cm (3ft 7in).
- The dimensions of the lift are 210cm x 165cm (6ft 11in x 5ft 5in).
- There are separate entry and exit doors in the lift.
- There is not a mirror to aid reversing out of the lift.
- The lift does have a visual floor indicator.
- The lift does have an audible announcer.
- The lift does have Braille markings.
- The lift does have tactile markings.
- The controls for the lift are within 90cm - 120cm from the floor.
- The lighting level in the lift is medium.
- This lift overcomes the steps and gives access to the Supertram stop entrance from the station footbridge.
- It is also used to access platforms 6-8 from the footbridge and Supertram stop entrance.
Supertram Stop Entrance Concourse
- From the lift or steps, walk straight ahead to the entrance.
- The concourse has a block paving surface with an easy slope up then down.
Supertram Stop Entrance
- The entrance out to the Supertram stop has double doors permanently held open, 182 cm wide.
- There is a moderate slope leading down, with a block paving surface, just past the entrance.
Access to the Supertram Stop Platform
- Past the entrance, turn right and follow the path up to the platform.
- This path has a block paving surface with tactile paving at the edge, with a moderate slope leading up.
- To access the opposite platform for trams away from the city centre and University, there is a level crossing just before the slope up.
- The crossing has tactile paving both sides and a block paving surface which is uneven due to the rails.
- At the top of the slope, the platform is level with a block paving surface with tactile paving at the edge.
- The platform has a shelter with some seats.