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Route from Falmouth Town Train Station to Falmouth Campus

Falmouth Campus, Woodlane, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4RH

Access Guide

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Falmouth Train Station to Fox's Lane Footpath

  • Exit the platform and continue down the ramp to the path.
  • There are no handrails for the first 22 metres of the slight ramp (photograph 3).
  • The 130cm wide ramp has a mostly smooth concrete surface but is uneven in places.
  • The ramp becomes steep, with a handrail on the right hand side going down (photographs 4 and 5).
  • Continue down the ramp for a further 80 metres to the end (photograph 6).
  • Turn left towards a wooded area to access Fox Lane's footpath (photographs 8 and 9).

Fox's Lane Footpath to Fox's Lane

  • The footpath has a concrete surface which is mostly smooth (photographs 1, 2 and 3).
  • The footpath has a slight downhill gradient.
  • After 40 metres the footpath attains a slight uphill gradient (photographs 4 to 9).
  • Continue for 120 metres to a path junction (photograph 10).
  • Take the left fork onto Fox's Lane.

Fox's Lane to Campus Barrier

  • Follow the path for 30 metres until a road (Fox's Lane) (photographs 1 and 2).
  • The path is level and continues with an uneven concrete surface.
  • There is a bollard in the middle of the path (photograph 3).
  • Turn left along the road for 15 metres until the campus entrance on the right (photographs 4 to 7).
  • Follow the entrance road for 25 metres until a barrier (photographs 8 and 9).
  • The barrier was fixed open at the time of survey.
  • When closed, the barrier restricts the width to 90cm.

Campus Barrier to Fox 4 Entrance

  • Follow the path for 40 metres until the Fox 4 Building on the left (photographs 1, 2 and 3).
  • Continue past the steps at the entrance for 14 metres (photographs 4 and 5).
  • There is seating opposite the entrance (photograph 6).
  • The path here becomes a slight hill (photograph 7).
  • Bypassing the steps, turn left along a slight slope to the entrance (photographs 8 and 9).
  • For more access information, please see the Fox 4 Building guide.
  • For access to the Main Campus Reception, continue past the Fox 4 Building for 250 metres up a steep hill.