Access Guide
- Related link Cinema Car Park.
- Https://
- Related link Bexley Civic Offices.
- Https://
- This guide describes a step-free walking route from the Cinema Car Park to the Civic Offices.
- The route is approximately 160m long.
- It should take approximately 5 minutes to walk.
- If you have difficulty getting around it could take 10 minutes.
- There is one major road to cross.
- There is a pedestrian crossing at this road.
Cinema Car Park
- The Blue Badge parking bays are on the ground floor of the car park at the front.
- From the upper levels, use the lift (if working) or the stairs in the same location to reach the ground floor.
- There are single, manual heavy doors, 91cm wide, to enter and exit the stairwell from Level 1 upwards. The lift was not working when surveyed (September 2023).
- There are 15+ clearly marked medium height steps between car park levels. These have handrails on both sides.
- Leave by the pedestrian exit next to the vehicle exit.
- Look out for moving vehicles.
- There is tactile paving as you leave the building.
- The pavement slopes slightly to the right, and is narrow (80cm wide) in places.
The Broadway
- After approximately 7m, the path meets The Broadway, where there is a short but steep slope up onto the pavement.
- Turn left onto the pavement.
- Walk along The Broadway.
- The pavement is level in this area.
- There is a Lidl Supermarket on your left.
- The pavement continues level at the entrance to the supermarket car park.
- There is no tactile paving to mark the vehicle entrance as it is intended that pedestrians have priority.
- Take care as not all drivers may recognise this.
Continue Along The Broadway Past Lidl
- The pavement has a slight but long downhill slope after the entrance to the Lidl Car Park.
- Look out for signposts then a row of black bollards in the pavement.
- Continue ahead.
- Ignore the red tactile paving indicating a pedestrian crossing to your right.
- This area is now shared with cyclists.
Continue Ahead Past the Prince Albert Public House
- The pub has some external seating to your left.
- There is a Legible London map sign to your right.
- The Civic Offices can be seen ahead.
- Follow the pavement round to the left into Woolwich Road.
- Continue until the red tactile paving marking the pedestrian crossing to your right.
Cross Woolwich Road at the Pedestrian Crossing
- The crossing is in two sections with a refuge in the middle.
- There are flush kerbs with tactile paving at the crossing and at the refuge.
- Each section is controlled by separate push buttons and lights.
- There are rotating cones for visually impaired users on the crossing controls.
- The crossing has a visible red lamp around the push button which illuminates when the button is pressed and goes out when it is safe to cross. However the crossing does not have audible beeps.
- At traffic light level, there is a red and green man, as well as a countdown timer indicating how long you have left to cross.
For the Entrance Ramp, Turn Left After the Crossing
- Continue along Woolwich Road with the Civic Centre on your right.
- There is a band of tactile paving to mark the end of the area shared with cyclists.
- Turn right here, round the end of the concrete wall.
Civic Office Entrance Ramp
- The ramp has a long slight gradient.
- It is approximately 15m long, with a landing halfway up.
- The ramp does not have handrails.
- There is a large level area at the top of the ramp.
Civic Offices
- Turn left at the top of the ramp.
- The double doors open automatically.
- You have arrived at the Civic Offices.