Accident and Emergency
Dewsbury and District Hospital, Halifax Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HS
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Dewsbury and District Hospital, Halifax Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HS
Our Dewsbury site is where we carry out more of our planned surgery. The hospital has a busy outpatient clinic and a new multi-million pound midwife led birth unit.
Dewsbury is also where rehabilitation for people with neurological conditions or who have suffered a stroke, takes place and we have a dedicated children’s assessment service to reduce the time children spend in hospital.
Dewsbury Hospital is also undergoing a transformation, with around £20m being spent on improvements and redevelopment. This has already provided the new children’s assessment unit, and there will be a new midwife led unit, new medical wards, a new surgical ward - with dedicated beds for people who have had surgery to joints or bones - upgraded operating theatres in a new complex, increased outpatient clinics, new day case units, a new pathology lab, specialist diagnostic equipment and new office facilities. This work is due to be completed in 2017 and will complement the existing buildings to help transform local patient care.