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The new name for DisabledGo

X0.02 - Rory Perrett Automotive Assembly Space

National Centre for Motorsport Engineering (NCME), University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5DG

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Access Guide

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Location of Room(s)


  • There is a single glass door to enter, 112cm wide, set in a glass front which can open up to 6m wide.
  • The workshop is level throughout with no trip hazards.
  • There are desks 101cm high, fixed to the walls around half of the workshop, as shown in photograph 3.
  • Adjustable height chairs with no arm rests are available.
  • There are large roller shutter doors on the far side of the workshop with level access to the concrete courtyard at the rear of the building.
  • The workshop has good lighting with manouvering space for a wheelchair.
  • There is a sink by the door which stands at 80cm, the taps are at 120cm and the soap dispenser and hand dryer are at 100cm each.