Access Guide
- This is a route from the Roland Levinsky Building to the Sherwell Centre.
- The route is approximately 350m long.
- It takes under 5 minutes to complete the route.
- The route is pedestrianised from the Roland Levinsky Building to North Hill where it follows the pavement to the junction with the pedestrianised Sherwell Lane.
- The pedestrianised surface is block paved and the street surface is even paving slabs.
- All the buildings are clearly named and there are some wall and finger signs.
- Throughout the campus, University vehicles may use the pedestrian areas.
- They are restricted to 5mph and the pedestrians have right of way.
- The campus is situated on a hillside and there are sections of the route with moderately steep gradients.
Roland Levinsky Building
Roland Levinsky Building to North Hill
- From the Roland Levinsky Building main reception entrance on Glanville Street, turn right towards North Hill, this area is shown in photographs 1 and 2.
- After 60m there is a line of bollards across Glanville Street, as shown in photograph 3.
- The bollards are 95cm high and have a contrast band at the top.
- They can be demounted to allow delivery vehicles to access the area.
- Pass through the line of bollards and turn left.
- After 15m there is a line of corduroy tactile paving which denotes the edge of the area where vehicles can cross, shown in photograph 4.
- The paving on North Hill is paving slabs, which may be uneven in some areas.
- Continue up the easy slope of North Hill.
North Hill to Portland Square
- Continue on North Hill passing the 4 bus stops on this section of North Hill, as shown in photographs 1 and 2.
- 15m beyond the fourth bus stop, just past the telephone boxes, bear left onto Sherwell Lane, photographs 3 and 4.
- The paving at this point changes to block paving.
- For Portland Square, bear left again to the main entrance.
- There is a gutter across the diagonal path but not across the adjacent straight pathway, as shown in photograph 6.
- Directly ahead is the main entrance, as shown in photograph 5.
Portland Square to Sherwell Centre
- Instead of turning towards the Portland Square Building, keep straight ahead up the easy slope on Sherwell Lane, as shown in photograph 1.
- To your right is a car park for use by the church, as shown in photograph 2.
- Vehicles move slowly on the pedestrianised area and there is ample space to avoid them.
- Pass through the bollards across the pathway, they are 95cm high with contrast bands and at least 150cm between them, as shown in photograph 3.
- Bear to the left of the church and the Sherwell Centre is 15m ahead to your right, as shown in photograph 4.