Access Guide
- This guide details a mile long circular route leading around St John's Campus in a anti clockwise direction.
- The route is marked by by arrows fixed on to the pathway at regular intervals.
Malvern Gate - Charles Darwin Building
- The University Mile starts on the pathway from the Malvern Gate.
- The route of the University Mile is indicated by badges on the ground showing the direction that can be taken.
- It can be travelled both clockwise and counter clockwise.
- This guide details the route counter clockwise.
- The surface of the path is tarmac.
- It is uneven in places.
- As the pathway turns to the right there is a crossing over the Car Park A entrance.
- There are dropped kerbs on both sides of the crossing with no tactile paving.
- There is a central raised island in the middle of the crossing.
- After the crossing, continue on the pathway following the road around to the right with the Edward Elgar Building located on the left.
- As you approach the corner of the Edward Elgar Building turn right and continue ahead.
- The surface of the pathway changes to flagstones.
- They are very uneven in places.
- The Charles Darwin Building is located on the left as you continue on the pathway.
- There is a series of tight right and left turns.
- The surface of the pathway is now block paving.
- At the corner of the Charles Darwin Building turn left.
- The pathway to Severn Gate is located ahead and to the right.
- This section of the route is on an easy or moderate upwards gradient.
Charles Darwin Building - St John's Halls Alternate Route
- As an alternative to using the steep slope leading towards the Severn Gate pedestrians can continue ahead on the access road before using the pathway towards the crossing.
- This alternative route and the University Mile merge on the far side of the crossing on the pathway towards the St John's Halls.
- The surface of the access road is block paving.
- It is uneven in places.
- There is a moderate slope at the pedestrian crossing, this allows access back on to the pedestrian pathway.
- Continue on the pathway.
- The surface of the pathway is block paving.
- It is uneven in places.
- The path is on an easy slope leading down to the crossing.
- The crossing has dropped kerbs with tactile paving on both sides.
- The surface of the crossing is tarmac.
- At the other side of the crossing the routes merge.
Charles Darwin Building - Severn Gate
- The pathway towards the Severn Gate is located on the right.
- There is a dropped kerb with tactile paving leading on to the pathway.
- The surface of the pathway is tarmac.
- It is uneven in places.
- The pathway is on a steep slope leading downwards before leading upwards toward Severn Gate.
- The crossing at the access road has no kerbs and no tactile paving.
- The surface of the crossing is tarmac.
- After crossing turn left and follw the pathway ahead.
Severn Gate - St John's Halls
- The surface of the pathway is smooth tarmac.
- It is uneven in places.
- There is a dropped kerb located on the pathway that gives vehicle access to Ability House.
- Vehicles give way at this point.
- The pathway is on an easy and then moderate slope as you approach the Car Park M crossing.
- The surface of the crossing is tarmac.
- There are dropped kerbs on both sides with tactile paving.
- After the crossing continue ahead.
- The pathway leads up and to the right and is on a moderate slope.
- There are dropped kerbs with tactile paving on both sides of the crossing.
- The surface of the crossing is tarmac.
- After the crossing turn right and continue ahead.
- The alternative route merges with the University Mile at this point.
- The pathway surface now changes to flagstones.
- They are uneven in places.
- There are a set of dropped kerbs with no tactile paving on the pathway for the access road to the all weather pitch located to the left.
- Continue ahead to the end of the path and then turn left.
St John's Halls - Woodbury Building
- Follow the pathway around to the left.
- The surface is flagstones.
- They are uneven in places.
- The surface of the pathway changes to tarmac and then block paving.
- Follow the pathway that goes around the outside of William Morris and then through the middle of Evesham.
- There is an area of flagstones as you pass through Evesham.
- Turn right and then continue ahead towards the pathway that leads between Avon and Ledbury.
- The surface of the pathway is tarmac.
- It is uneven in places.
- Turn left before the crossing and follow the pathway around Avon to the crossing leading to the Woodbury Building.
Woodbury Building - Malvern Gate
- Continue ahead.
- There are a series of crossings ahead with dropped kerbs and tactile paving located on the pathway.
- The surface of the pathway is tarmac
- It is uneven in places.
- The pathway is on an easy then moderate slope before leveling off as you approach the Mavern Gate.